About Alabama Forward

Alabama Forward is often referred to by the word “table” which is a shorthand way of referring to a group that serves a standing coalition. What sort of standing coalition is Alabama Forward? We are a statewide civic engagement network committed to bringing together nonpartisan organizations to work together in building power around progressive civic issues and movement towards greater freedom. 

We believe in democracy and racial equity. In order for every Alabamian to engage in the democratic process, we support and coordinate the civic engagement work of our partner organizations.

Alabama Forward is a state-based 501(C)(3) civic engagement coordinating table committed to advancing movement towards greater freedom and progressive, solution-oriented policy among a diverse coalition of Alabama-based partner organizations, so that every Alabamian can engage in the democratic process. In pursuit of this mission, Alabama Forward will prioritize race and gender equity to engage every Alabamian in all aspects of our democracy.

Racial Equity – Centering racial equity within our work enables us to make decisions and select priorities that are truly representative of the needs of our communities in Alabama.

Leadership – Creating a pipeline of leadership through our partnerships that support and enhance our work to move the needle towards structural change.

Building Power – Mobilizing to build power that propels Alabama forward through the collective impact of grassroots organizers and civil rights organizations to advance statewide advocacy work that is unabashedly committed to freedom and progressive goals.

Alabama Forward members share commitment to the following values: Freedom, Justice, Leadership Development, Equity,Responsibility, Movement Building, Fairness, Neighborliness, Hope, and Shared Prosperity. Our ability to embody these values can shift the cultures of our communities, the perception of our movements and organizations, and the focus of public policy debates. When our work features genuine attempts to center these values, we will inspire and motivate our neighbors to build stronger communities.

The vision of the 501(c)3 Network is to boost civic and political participation through  collaborative voter engagement and election reform efforts while building the capacity of participating organizations to more effectively communicate and engage in their work. The Network will also prioritize supporting compelling emerging leaders and organizations who have received less traditional forms of support.

Meet Our Member Organizations