Welcome to Alabama Forward

An Alabama state table advancing the work of our partner organizations. Help us make sure the story we tell about Alabama is one of growth and progression.

Shake The Field Shake the Field is a digital space curated to educate and inspire everyday Alabamians to embrace civic engagement and become active in Alabama's artistic and cultural communities. The mission of Shake the Field is to create an encouraging and fun space for Alabamians aged 18-45 to cultivate pro-democracy civic identities and relationships, while also embracing a commitment to long-term investment in Alabama's civic engagement, artistic, and cultural communities. No matter where you are or who you're with, we all have the ability to Shake the Field. Visit Now Shine a Light Shine a Light Alabama is a community-building effort acknowledging the toll of grief and supporting collective healing, resilience, connection, and empathy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative was developed to be a resource for Alabamians searching for support as they navigate pandemic-related loss, grief, and healing. Visit Now STAMP The Statewide Transformation Asset Mapping Project (STAMP) assesses the landscape of civic engagement organizations working throughout the state of Alabama. The project aims to plug holes in knowledge about progressive civic engagement efforts throughout the state, allowing for better coordination and more equitable allocation of resources amongst active groups and organizations. If you would like for your organization to participate in STAMP, click below to complete the survey. Survey Voter Engagement Alabama Forward is developing a year-round canvassing structure that provides resources for member groups to collectively deploy at least 25 canvassers engaging in at least 4 hours of digital and on the ground voter registration, education, and rights restoration canvassing 6 days a week. When implemented for 12 weeks, it is estimated that this structure could yield at least 100,000 potential registrations and 21,600 voter conversations.

Meet Our Member Organizations

Join Us

Alabama Forward is a statewide civic engagement network committed to bringing together nonpartisan organizations to work together in building power around progressive civic issues and movement towards greater freedom.

Contact Us

For more information about our current issues or to get involved, you can reach us at info@alforward.org or fill out the contact form below.